
Of Course I'm Right. I'm Me.

"Our economy I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times," McCain said at a rally in the key battleground state of Florida. (emphasis mine)
Sen. John McCain
September 14, 2008

"Today of all days, John McCain's stubborn insistence that the 'fundamentals of the economy are strong' shows that he is disturbingly out of touch with what's going in the lives of ordinary Americans,"
Obama Campaign spokesman Bill Burton
Same Day

Closing Price of S&P 500
Same Day

"If we are keeping focused on all the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy - all the outstanding companies, workers,all the innovation and dynamism in this economy - then we're going to get through this." (emphasis mine)
President Barack Obama
March 13, 2009

Closing Price of S&P 500
March 13, 2009

World According to Obama: 36% decline in S&P 500 means things have gotten better.

John McCain should go on "Meet The Press" this weekend and say he accepts, in the spirit of bipartisanship, an apology from Pres. Obama, offered or not.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I am parsing too finely, but "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" is not the same as "If we are keeping focused on all the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy".

Still, I think Barack's team needs to focus on the fundamentally unsound aspects of the economy, such as the financial markets that the Wall Street boys blew up, and the precipitous drop in employment.

The Daily Pander said...


The two statements aren't exactly the same, but they do rhyme. McCain's statement was inartful and ill-timed, but he was savaged by a faux-post-partisan Obama. The larger point is Obama himself has been screaming the sky is falling, going so far as to say that damage from not passing a stim would be irreversible, yet here we are only a couple weeks after it's passed and, by his team's own admission hasn't kicked in, and he's saying maybe the sky isn't falling. Rank politics by someone who falls all over himself to say he's not a rank politician.

Anonymous said...

McCain's statement was also clearly wrong and showed either that he was quite out of touch with what was happening or was lying because he knew that a bad economy = party change on election day. And this from the "Straight Talk Express".

As for claiming that Obama was "faux-post-partisan", you seem to be referring to something said during a campaign which, I think you would agree, tends to be a partisan affair. Post-partisan refers how one governs.

I would also propose that the S&P 500 (or the DJIA), while perhaps good indicators of the state of your stock portfolio, are poor indicators of the health of the economy.