The day after the so called "stimulus" billed passed both houses of Congress, I bet a member of the RSP staff that before April 1, a member of the Democratic Congressional leadership would call for a second "stimulus" plan. The bet wasn't for a large sum of money, but rather a sandwich at our favorite downtown deli - Perry's. Guess what, it's only March 10 and Nancy Pelosi has called for a second "stimulus" package. I win!! I will be collecting at lunch tomorrow. I can't wait to bite into that hot corned beef sandwich - mmmmm, so tasty. Wait a second, maybe I should have the pork sandwich instead...
Free sandwich, lifetime of inflation. Lucky you.
There's a use of Yucca Mountain with which liberals can get on board -- a place 700 feet underground for Obama to sign the next stimulus bill.
But the good news is that every dollar of stimulus passed today is one less vote for a Dem in 2010. By then, the nation's full attention will be fixed on the Attempted Greatest Transfer of Wealth in Human History. And the nation will say, not so fast.
I can't go in there since the change in ownership.
I just can't believe that one of your conservative cronies even agreed to the bet? I'm sure you can make that bet again after the second stimulus (or would it be third stimulus) package is announced, and win another sandwich (or day old danish, wait they don't do that anymore).
- signed, beginning to lean again toward the right.
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