This past fall former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace, was named the Indiana University Kelley School of Business’ Poling Chair, a two-year appointment during which the General will give lectures to business students on leadership. Having never had the honor of serving in the military, but knowing a few Marines in my day, I cannot think of a better person to lecture about leadership than a retired four star Marine Corp general who also happened to be the nations top ranking military officer.
Unfortunately, the faculty at Indiana University seems to disagree. According to the Bloomington Harold Times, members of Indiana University’s Bloomington Faculty Council approved a resolution on February 17 that expresses “regret” over the appointment granted to Gen. Pace. The resolution, drafted by IU’s Diversity and Affirmative Action Committee, passed with a vote of 19-15, with not all present faculty voting.
Here we have just another case of crazies on campus. As a graduate of the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, I was upset, but unfortunately, not surprised. American college campuses are now dominated by far left professors and administrators who seem more concerned with political indoctrination than with educating their students. Former radical turned conservative commentator, David Horowitz, documented this in his book, Indoctrination U:The Left's War Against Academic Freedom.
During my time at IU, the faculty was generally considered to be the most conservative of the major universities in the Mid-West. Of course, that was on a relative scale. This appears to no longer be the case. According to those in the know, the IU School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education are now dominated by far left radicals. This includes a professor who actively sought an appointment to the ROTC oversight board for the express purpose of having ROTC removed from the Bloomington campus. Fortunately, he was unsuccessful in ending the ROTC program and eventually left that board.
Every parent of a college student must be aware of the curriculum in which his or her child is enrolled. The purpose of college is to educate for living, not to breed a generation of Marxists. The consumers of higher education in this country must demand a return to solid academics where life skills and critical thinking are once again taught to the students. Since diversity is the Holy Grail of the left, college students and their parents must demand diversity of political opinions so that the conservative voice is heard and not shunned.
As the Democratic Senator for Georgia Zell Miller pointed out, it is not the college professors who have established and maintained our freedom. It is the members of our armed forces who voluntarily put themselves in harms way who protect all that we hold dear.
Evidently, it is lost on the Indiana University faculty that Gen. Pace spent 40 years risking his life so that they could waste their time debating and voting on useless resolutions that further their leftist agendas. What a shame.
If you can read this blog, thank a teacher. If you can read this blog in English, thank a soldier.
As a vet this is obviously offensive but General Pace will no doubt handle his detractors with the utmost bearing and aplomb. I had the opportunity to see the general speak at a University of Chicago function and he was hit not once but twice during the Q and A with angry questions related to the war in Iraq and gays in the military. He did not show the least bit of hesitation in answering the questions and handled himself better than anyone else I have personally witnessed in a similar situation. This whole thing probably bothers us more than it does him.
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