
I Told You I Did Nothing Wrong!

I'm glad to see that Barack Obama's own investigation (conducted by his incoming White House Counsel) into the Senate seat for sale scandal has cleared both the President-elect and his staff of any wrong doing. The liberal mainstream media has now declared that the Blagojevich scandal, as it relates to the President-elect and his transition team, is now closed and there is nothing left to investigate or discuss.

However, in my mind, this raise one major question - Is the Blagojevich scandal, as it relates to the President-elect and his transition team, really closed? Does an investigation of one's own self really result in vindication? I would say no. Isn't this the pink elephant in the room, the fact that it was a self examination? Of course. We are yet to hear from the prosecutors or the FBI on this matter. There cannot be closure on this matter until an independent voice sounds the all clear.

It is highly unlikely that Mr. Obama or anyone on his staff acted improperly. I would be very surprised if the prosecutors reach a different conclusion. But, it appears to me to be more of the same - arrogance from the left on the part of the Obama team and a complicit media lapping it all up without any critical thought or independent investigation.

I wonder what would happen if Gov. Blagojevich announced late in the afternoon on December 30 that his administration had conducted an internal investigation of his actions and that that investigation had concluded that neither he nor any member of his staff had engaged in any wrong doing? All of us would say that he's crazy, view it as some comic relief and let the criminal and impeachment proceedings proceed as planned. There does appear to be a double standard, don't you think?

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